Animal Farm in a brief summary is a story in which animals take over a farm because they are mistreated by their owner (Mr.Jones). Some important characters in Animal Farm are the following: Old Major, Snowball, Napoleon, Boxer, Clover, Squealer, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Pilkington. These animals and humans had many actions and risks taken from those actions. Old Majors action was him calling a meeting to tell the rest of the animals his idea about the rebellion. The risk of Old Majors action was that Mr. Jone might have came into the barn* and caught the animals. If he caught the animals he most likely would have whipped probably all of them; with the exception of his favorite animals. (e.g. Molly the pony.). Old Major called the meeting because he was sick and tired of being treated cruelly by humans*. Napoleon now, had many important actions. One of his important actions was him chasing* Snowball off the farm. The risk of Napoleon doing that was that the animals might find out about Napoleon chasing Snowball off the farm. I think Napoleon did that action because he didn’t like Snowball. Snowball is very similar to Napoleon because Snowball was a natural born leader like Napoleon. Although many people may say that Snowballs most important action was trying to be leader with Napoleon I disagree. I think that Snowballs most important action was him taking over the farm. I believe this happened right …show more content…
When she does she finds the Tuck family. The Tuck family then have to explain their secret to Winnie because of the awkward situation Winnie finds the youngest son in. The main characters in the book Tuck Everlasting are the following; Winnie, Jesse, Mae, Tuck, Miles, and the Man in The Yellow Suit. Winnie is the most significant of them all. She is the most significant of them all because without Winnie we wouldn’t have the same story. If Winnie weren’t there then there would be whole new characters, settings, etc. In my opinion I think Winnies most important action was her taking her “walk” through the woods. The risk was that an animal might attack her. I think Winnie took that risk because she really wanted to get away from her neat tidy home. Another important character is Mae. One of Mae’s important actions was her killing the Man in the Yellow Suit. The risk was that she might get hanged and her secret will be revealed*. I think Mae killed the man because she wanted to protect and finish explaining everything to Winnie. One more important character is Angus Tuck. I think that Angus Tuck’s most important action was him taking Winnie fishing. The risk of that was that Winnie could have fallen overboard or someone could have recognized her and told the sheriff. I think that Angus took Winnie fishing because he wanted to explain things to Winnie (About the immortality.)