I tend to become distracted and neglect certain responsibilities or duties due to distractions through media and technology. I also begin to notice an increase in laziness through distractions of social media. This definitely plays into Tim Wu’s argument about how technology reduces the attention to duties and responsibilities. However, I disagree that it creates issues such as idleness, alcoholism, and drug addiction in my case because I as soon as I begin noticing myself distracted I try to snap myself out of it and get back to focusing on the task or responsibility at
I tend to become distracted and neglect certain responsibilities or duties due to distractions through media and technology. I also begin to notice an increase in laziness through distractions of social media. This definitely plays into Tim Wu’s argument about how technology reduces the attention to duties and responsibilities. However, I disagree that it creates issues such as idleness, alcoholism, and drug addiction in my case because I as soon as I begin noticing myself distracted I try to snap myself out of it and get back to focusing on the task or responsibility at