Tiffani's Compensation Case Study

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Throughout the treatment services for Tiffani and Helen I would have one on one sessions and session with natural supports. Each session evaluating how intervetnion techniques are working, assessing if there have been progression or digression, and discussing termination. In both cases we would discuss termination during each session beginning with the initial session. The actual termination process would begin when the mutually agreed goals are met and/or concerning symptoms have decreased and are manageable. Termination is carried out throughout the course of treatment and when it is agreed it is time to end services a termination date would be agreed upon and set (preferably 2 visits after it is established and agreed to terminate). The following visit after a termination date has been agreed will be a review of the sessions throughout services and a review of intervention techniques for the client(s) to use to manage symptoms In addition, to the review I would discuss with the …show more content…
We know theories are formulated to explain or predict a phenomena. Theories are facts based, evidenced based, and emerge from repeat testing and repeated observation. Evidenced based is well researched interventions that have been proven through scientific evidence to guide the treatment for a particular client. Because systems theory takes into account an individual's whole environment to explain his/her behavior when it comes to research methods systems theory allows for a clear assessment, visualization, and understanding of an individual's environment. Systems Theory like most theories in social work is adequate to apply to all client situations. Because social work research is aimed “...to build the social work knowledge base in order to solve practical problems in social work practice or social policy”(Rubin,

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