Main Points of the Article The article in Psychology Today primarily focuses on how American’s perception of beauty has affected behavior of men and women. Throughout the article it is proven that this is not a world “where it’s the content of a woman’s character, not her pushup bra, that puts her on the cover of Maxim”. The author of “The Truth About Beauty” elaborates on how a man is not going to turn his head or check out a woman who does good things for the world. Our country has standards for what we define as beauty; men look for a symmetrical face, hourglass figure and feminine facial features. While women seek someone who is taller than they are and have some …show more content…
First of all, the Western standard of beauty is not acceptable but Americans keep letting it influence our view of beauty. This article has a lot of relevance because this standard that everyone wants to meet is unattainable and unhealthy so it has caused many problems. It has led many women into different types of depression and men into holding high standards that hurt women. The Western standard of beauty holds women to a weight, hair, cosmetic and clothing standard. The information conveyed in the article shows how Americans are hurting from this. We make a direct correlation between beauty and a woman’s opportunities. Why should women be penalized for their appearance? Why should women be ashamed of what is natural? Why should young girls be afraid to eat in fear of not being able to find a partner? Why have we let these things become possible? America has led our women into depression of fear of not being good enough. I cannot express how relevant this article is because at some point everyone feels the effects of this standard. Americans need to abandon this standard and start to love natural appearances. We should appreciate the things we have not asked for but been given. “The Truth About Beauty” shows us the impact of the standard and how important it is that we stop holding ourselves to …show more content…
The first connection I made was to chapter 6. On page 197 and 198 it explores different types of learning. In the article there is definitely associative learning being discussed. The book defines associative learning as “learning the relationship between two pieces of information”, this is a strong connection to the article because we have associated that meeting the beauty standard will give us better opportunities and more options of partners. Chapter 9 is where I made the next connection. On page 320 it describes the need to belong theory, which states that humans have an emotional need to be accepted by friends, family, co-workers, or to any type of group. This is a valid connection because women go through plastic surgery, starving themselves and getting ready for hours to be accepted. They want to meet that beauty standard so they do anything possible to be considered one of the ones who meet the standard. Women just want to be considered one of the beautiful