One would never think that beauty could have anything to do with globalization, but it actually has a big influence on the world more than one would ever imagine. Men and Women of all different shapes, sizes, ethnicities and more have had an influence on their idea of beauty due to mass media. A lot of men and women are advertised to look a certain way throughout all countries. With that being said many countries are losing their cultures and traditions that have been passed on for centuries. As stated in an article called The Globalization of Beauty “…Magazine Cosmopolitan, for example, is published in 36 languages, has 63 international editions, and is distributed in more than 100 countries.” Globalization of beauty is upon us and has been making a negative impact on our world today. “We’re losing bodies as fast as we’re losing languages,” says prominent British psychotherapist Susie Orbach“(The illusionist) this quote was a big attention grabber for me. The fact that our world is losing the traditions having to do with beauty, that originated from different cultures, years before us are now becoming something people will only …show more content…
The ideas of beauty are stretched far beyond the United States and have influenced more people then one would ever imagine. Modernized beauty and traditional beauty are being affected globally. Yes, the mass media is advertising beautiful women but it goes far beyond advertisement. This global issue is weakening the views on many cultures. Modernized ideas are advancing and the traditional ways of foreign cultures could possibly end up being something only seen or spoken about in textbooks. Beauty is a big deal no matter if you are from the United States or if you are in any other country. It’s important to remember who you are as a person and how you grew up because you are the key to those traditions being passed on for future