Zoom Teeth Whitening Rhetorical Analysis

Improved Essays
Want a bright and shiny smile again? Well I got news for you. Phillip’s Zoom Teeth Whitening is here to save you. A commercial about this product can be found on Youtube at Phillip’s Zoom Teeth Whitening Commercial. Check it out! You won’t regret it. The commercial is thirty seconds long and could change your life. It is a process that whitens your teeth to a vivid white color. The commercial mainly targets older adults. They target these adults because their teeth are aged and have been exposed longer than younger adults. The primary appeal is ethos and the secondary appeal is pathos. In this essay, I will be evaluating the rhetorical appeals of Phillip’s Zoom Teeth Whitening.
The beginning of the commercial surely indicates ethos. Ethos is an appeal to authority and credibility. When the commercial first begins, a man dressed in dentist attire talks about their product. He talks about how the product will transform your smile within 45 minutes. We the average viewing audience see the dentist and immediately want to hear what he has to say about this new product. We view him as a specialist and we immediately consider his advice. The dentist captured the audience and provides credibility to the product, which indeed, is a great sale pitch. The dentist believes in the product and gives his opinion. The dentist says, “ With Phillip Zoom, in 45 minutes of whitening, your smile feels transformed. You feel yourself transformed.” ("YouTube", 2013).These words clearly indicate credibility about the product. This commercial also uses pathos. Pathos is an appeal to the emotions of an audience. In this commercial, pathos is apparent when people hear that it has worked for other people: we the viewers consider trying it. Seeing that regular person reminds you of you: so you think to yourself, it’s worth a shot. In the commercial two people are used to show pathos, one is a middle aged woman, another is a younger man. Both had their teeth whitened with Phillip’s Zoom. They talk about the results of the teeth whitening product, and how it boasted their confidence. The woman says, “Everyone who I know, who has looked at me and said how great I look. How great my teeth look. And I feel great!”("YouTube", 2013). The woman persuades other women that they too can feel great about
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Logos is an appeal to logic and reason. In the beginning of this commercial, the dentist says, “In 45 minutes of whitening, your smile feels transformed. You feel yourself transformed.” When he says it only takes 45 minutes to whiten your teeth, he is trying to convince the audience through his rational thought and reason. When another dentist says “Patients come in and in one visit we get their teeth an average of eight shades whiter.” This dentist is also using their rational thought and reason to persuade people to get teeth whitened up to eight shades whiter. When people hear these numbers, they are convinced that the data is true. And 45 minutes of procedure does not seem like a long time to get your teeth eight shades whiter. Eight shades whiter seems like a drastic change in color. I feel that logos is a very strong way to persuade people. These numbers help present a rational reasoning to the audience, which convinces the viewers that this is the product they indeed must

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