The Pusan Perimeter

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The Korean War officially started in 1950 and ended in an armistice in 1953 with the Demilitarized zone falling at its pre-war position on the 38th parallel. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), with support from its Communist neighbors of China and the Soviet Union, invaded south past the 38th parallel in June of 1950 attacking the Republic of Korea (South Korea). North Korea’s invasion resulted in initial success until the United Nations intervened in the defense of South Korea with the introduction of military forces. With this introduction of additional military forces, the North Korean advance came to a halt and the fate of the Korean peninsula rested on the defense of the Pusan Perimeter by the South Korea and its …show more content…
The defense of the Pusan Perimeter was now a collective operation under the United Nations. The UN was able to establish a defensive line using the natural barrier of the Natong River that ran an estimated one-hundred miles north to south on the western border and fifty miles west to east on the northern border. The Pusan Perimeter created time for the UN forces to utilize the deep sea port of Pusan to its advantage. As long as UN forces were able to pour in fighting forces and supplies into South Korea, the stronger the perimeter would be and preparations for a counter attack could …show more content…
In addition to the rail system, the UN also possessed the very valuable deep sea port of Pusan, which allowed for mass tonnage of supplies to be shipped in and railed to the frontlines. UN forces understood that a collapse in the Pusan Perimeter would mean certain defeat, in turn the Korean Peninsula falling into communist control and potentially being used as a stepping stone for further communist expansion. UN forces deployed three American divisions along with one South Korean division on the Western front. The northern front was held three additional South Korean divisions. This defense left the divisions desperately thinned out resulting in the front line only being defended by strong points leaving holes in the front line. An order was given to UN troops by the Commanding officer, General Walton H. Walker, to hold the line at all cost, which is better known as the “Stand or Die” order.
General Walker’s order was for good reason because the perimeter was facing a heavily equipped and battled harden North Korean force. The North Koreans positioned six Infantry Divisions on the western flank and an additional four against the northern flank. An armored tank unit was held in reserve to exploit any possible breaches through the UN defensive line. In addition to the ten divisions, North Korea would also move three more divisions

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