By the end of 1947 the US troops were prepared to leave South Korea and leave the country in hands of a pro-American conservative Dr. Syngman Rhee. But, all plans of leaving were set to change when the Americans soon realized that the communist …show more content…
This story properly details how political beliefs turned families hostile against each other. The story goes that the nephew looks at his socialist uncle as unintelligent and medieval. He can’t understand why his uncle would support such political views and believes he is an ignorant and foolish man. Throughout the story the characters butt heads in quite a conflicting manner that leads the nephew (the narrator) wishing that his uncle would just die so he didn’t have to hear his “uneducated” and “stupid” ideologies. This story properly represents what I attempt to make clearer to the audience through my documentary film. It is important that the audience realizes that the division of people by way of politics is much more localized than one would believe. The political division impacted everything from communities and, even more specifically, families. Families would grow frustration and hate towards each other over political ideologies. As was evident in My Innocent Uncle, the hatred that can grow between opposing views can exceed the point of tolerance and manifest into feelings that lead people to want others dead or …show more content…
But, it is the civil war that created the “perfect” environment for people to finally exhibit their anger and frustration with each other and led to selfish endeavors, which pushed families in different direction because of their own political agenda. My film will focus on a single family located in South Korea around the time the civil war began. It specifically focuses on two fictional characters I have created who are brothers. The one brother (brother A) has worked for his parents on their family farm. He has noticed that the family has been constantly under the constraints of the landlords. Brother A was happy when the Americans arrived and attempting to infuse democracy in their culture, which he hoped would help the separation gap between the rich and the poor. Brother B will be the one who despises the American “fascist” movement and is bound to leave the “low-life, uneducated” ways of South Korea in hopes to join the North in their Communist endeavors. This brother has been educated and has not been a part of the family farm because he decided to seek out higher education before the war started making him part of the higher