Korean War Dbq

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Brown 1
The Korean War was just the start of increased tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. After WWII the international system quickly made a shift from multipolar system to a bipolar system, involving the two remaining super powers. The Primary goal for the U.S and U.S.S.R, or any state, was survival. The only way to achieve this goal was to increase their power. The cause of this war and its fight was a result of the change in the world’s balance of power, the differences between the states domestic policies, institutions and the continuous effort in strengthening their power. (Aydin, Jan 26) A consequence of trying to achieve survival by increasing one’s power is an arm’s race, an action-reaction type process.
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After months of failed discussions and disagreements regarding Koreas future, tensions only intensified, especially surrounding the border. Ensuing, on June 25 1950, North Korea crossed the border and entered into South Korea, marking the beginning of open warfare. (JAMA: pg.1) As a result of this the U.N Security Council immediately approved the United States resolution. Their resolution included “immediate cessation of hostilities” and for the North to be removed back to the 38th parallel. Two days later on June 27th, President Truman publicized his decision to support South Korea’s democratic state using U.S air and naval forces. This intervention would be pursued in efforts to stop the spread of communism to South Koreas newly democratic nation. (Truman Orders) This date marks the beginning of the Korean War for the United …show more content…
The democratic peace theory is an explanation for this phenomenon. This theory insists that democracies are much more hesitant to engage in armed conflict with states who also have a democratic government. This theory is a result of shared cultural norms and the trust that develops in return. The United States desire to contain communism and support for South Korea can be explained using this idea. If democracies are less likely to come into conflict with one another, then promoting the spread of democracy should be the main importance of any such states. (Aydin:) At the inauguration of President Truman, he concluded the United States goal in trying to expand the use of democratic systems across the world. He state that the U.S “will strengthen freedom-loving nations against the dangers of aggression . . . in addition, we will provide military advice and equipment to free nations which will cooperate with us in the maintenance of peace and security” (Truman 1964: pp.

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