This action called the UN Security Council and the armies of 16 ally countries to justifiably come to the aid of the Republic of Korea.
In addition to the infractions of the USSR which created the “calls for action”, the United States was seen to be the aggressor in the Cold War for other reasons; their superior military strength, their economic power and their attitude of supremacy, “that the United States has the right to lead the world” as pronounced by President Truman in the Novikov Telegram. The Novikov Telegram was written by Nikolai Novikov in September, 1946. Novikov, the Soviet Ambassador to the US, warned the Soviet Leadership that the US was determined to introduce their own military, political, and economic dominance around the world.
Novikov states that the United States was on a mission to acquire a hefty amount of power. He claimed that the US had questionable intentions during WWII, when the US was aiming to “enter [the war] only at the last minute, when it could easily affect the outcome of war, completely ensuring its interests”. In other words, the United States planned to avoid direct participation in the war, while simultaneously benefiting …show more content…
Although it is still debated whether the USSR or the US initiated the Cold War, after considering the actions and strengths of both countries, it is clear that the United States instigated it. The Cold War affected American society by making the people fear war. The Cold War prevented further military conflicts and and made Americans more aware of the precious value of freedom and