The Arguments Against Police Brutality

Superior Essays
Brutality, a word that can very widely be used and applied to a plethora of situations. Kids use it to describe a parents way of discipline, and adults use it as a way to describe the governments form of discipline. So what is Brutality? The answer to this question can change solely based upon opinion. Why is it that people accuse the police of brutality against them? There is evidence that supports the arguments of both sides; however, it is overwhelmingly in the majority for the fact that there is no such thing as wide spread police brutality. Furthermore, there is no such thing as wide spread biased in the police force supporting, and fueling this brutality. Firstly, children all the time say that a parents form of punishment is to …show more content…
But what is it that adults mean by this? Many adults speak about the unfairness of taxes, work, and bills; however, for adults especially in the black community a new subject has them worried. So, many adults in the black community claim that they specifically as a race are being targeted by the police. They claim that police are using excessive force against them for no reason. They claim all this while showing on camera how they did not meet the officers demands, and did or said things that the officer might interpret as a threat. So the question is, are all these claims true or are they just now coming to light due to the increase of technology and build up of social tensions. Furthermore, if you reflect back to earlier when it was stated that lack of discipline instilled in childhood is one of the main root causes of these problems. It is not hard to see that a combination of factors: spoiled children growing up into adults, technology, and lack of funding for the police are all contributing to the problem of 'Police Brutality '. This is a problem how ever that is easily avoidable if a person complies with the officers commands, and the media would stop demonizing the people that protect …show more content…
Most of the problems stem from technology. Ask the question of why police violence and brutality seems to be more prevalent now than ever, and you shall be met with the answer its not. Although police brutality may be more important as a social matter in the United States that does not mean that it is on the increase. Rather, the spike in technology and availability of said technology to more people has made this a hot subject. So, with every person walking around having a cell phone the media can easily take a story post it social media and media sites, and expect large number of people to see it. It is because of this the media plays with the news how they want, or the report on the news that they know will be more popular. And an sort of violence from the government or its officials against the public is bound to be hot news. According to the Pew Research Center 64 percent of Americans in the year 2014 owned a smart phone, and that number could have gone up in the past two years. By the same token, people read or watch videos about 'police brutality ' and assume that any confrontation they get in with the police may turn out the same. When in all reality avoiding physical contact with an officer as long as the person is not in legal trouble is as simple as complying with commands. So there is an increase of

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