Throughout our lives, we experience …show more content…
There are the animal activists and then the pro-science groups. The animal activists see animal testing as harming the animals without any physical intent. We can see that animals and humans are different, so we would exhibit different symptoms. The pro-science groups states that since we cannot experiment on humans, it would be better to treat the animals like mice because we can get an idea of what the developed drug will do in our system. Speaking of which, there is a law that states that drugs produced in the market must be tested on animals first. Professor Robert Winston said recently:
"Scientific and medical research is a drawn-out process and the contribution of animal research is frequently overlooked by the time successful therapy reaches patients. We live longer and healthier lives than ever before. Whilst there have been remarkable improvements in the human environment, animal research has played a major part in developing improvements in human health. Animal research advanced the treatment of infections, helped with immunisation, improved cancer treatment and has had a major impact on managing heart disease, brain disorders, arthritis and …show more content…
Some of his accomplishments are the Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci) in 1998 and then the British Medical Association Gold Award for Medicine in the Media in 1999. He has been awarded over 10 different types of awards because of his studies and works in the scientific field(5). Animals and humans are nothing alike yet animals are used to test drugs, vaccines, and research. These tests can harm animals using chemicals, starving them, and by putting them in an unnatural and unsafe environment. From cancer medicines, antibiotics for infection, vaccines to prevent diseases, illnesses and to deformities animal research has helped us find cures.
Animal research does not only benefit humans, it also benefits the animals. Animals have improved healthcare and this era’s lifespan. Farm animals, household pets, wild species and endangered species are all benefiting from the research conducted through animals. There are vaccines for rabies, distemper, tetanus, parvo virus and numerous other illnesses in cats, dogs and all other species. Within our society, all animals and humans were saved by the testing