The creation of these powerful machines now made production rate increase dramatically. These changes that the Industrial Revolution forced took many years to take into place and did not happen overnight. All of these changes may seem very positive and beneficial, however these changes also had negative effects on society. These negative effects include of many people losing jobs, pollution, harsh working conditions, and the creation of many detrimental events in our history such as the holocaust and the nuclear war. There are many arguments that discuss whether or not the Industrial Revolution pros outweigh the cons or vise versa. The Industrial Revolution has always been seen as an event that promised peace and prosperity, but eventually caused much violence and chaos, many people to lose jobs, pollution on our environment, and many other negative effects throughout the industrialization of the …show more content…
Although, there ended up being many negatives after all. The Industrial Revolution also put out many positives including more productions, new jobs, and new farming techniques. These new inventions helped communities run smoother than before, but also influenced some negative events that have dramatically affected us today. The negative affects from the Industrial Revolution include mass genocides such as the Holocaust, Nuclear wars and nuclear weapons, harsh working conditions with minimal pay, and pollution from greenhouse gasses in factories in many countries around the world. Thanks to philosophers such as Karl Marx and Adam Smith, the working class realized how unfair their jobs were. All of these changes influenced the society economically, politically, and socially. The Industrial Revolution changed our economy from being primarily agricultural to being primary industrial. Also, the Industrial Revolution affected the West politically because it helped form new English governments that passed laws such as minimal wage and worker safety laws. Finally, the Industrial Revolution affected the West socially by increasing the size of the middle class, and moved people from rural areas to urban