Homework, it was believed, could accelerate knowledge acquisition” (Gavani). The more modern idea of homework began in the 1950’s as a result of the Russian Satellite Sputnik. As time went on, parents became worried that homework drowned out social experiences and outdoor and creative activities. Parents at the time understood the negative effects of homework. Nevertheless, homework has managed to stayed an active part in every child’s life up to this point in history. Society should open their eyes to the fact that homework is filled with negative aspects and should be
Homework, it was believed, could accelerate knowledge acquisition” (Gavani). The more modern idea of homework began in the 1950’s as a result of the Russian Satellite Sputnik. As time went on, parents became worried that homework drowned out social experiences and outdoor and creative activities. Parents at the time understood the negative effects of homework. Nevertheless, homework has managed to stayed an active part in every child’s life up to this point in history. Society should open their eyes to the fact that homework is filled with negative aspects and should be