The NAACP tried to unify the people and increase participation among other community members. They sponsored youth campaigns against violence, encourage economic enterprise and lead voter drives. This shaped the way discriminated people, segregated, and poor people contributed to society as the NAACP set an example for how they could and would contribute to society. It further allowed all citizens to take part in something that they felt as individuals was contributing to the greater good of the nation, which encouraged more people to become
The NAACP tried to unify the people and increase participation among other community members. They sponsored youth campaigns against violence, encourage economic enterprise and lead voter drives. This shaped the way discriminated people, segregated, and poor people contributed to society as the NAACP set an example for how they could and would contribute to society. It further allowed all citizens to take part in something that they felt as individuals was contributing to the greater good of the nation, which encouraged more people to become