Racism In Roger Daniels's 'Not Like Us'

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The iconic past president of the Society for Historians of the and Progressive and immigration era Roger Daniels, shares his thoughts on these subjects in his novel “Not Like Us”. In this Narrative he reveals the hostile conditions that were greeted by immigrants, Native Americans, and African Americans, during 1890 – 1924 where the United States was experiencing it epitome of immigration, with over than 20 million immigrants flowing into the US borders. “Not like us” expresses how the progressive era pitched the goal to expand opportunities for American Minorities, however with xenophobia and racism in the minds of America the eras ambitious ideas came to steaming halt. Daniel uses the critiques of George E. Mowry and Alfred D. Chandler that …show more content…
The NAACP the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was established mainly by white reformers, furthermore the organization would break down walls by winning monumental court cases. As a result of Blacks gaining a bigger role in society and migrating towards the inner cities, segregation began increasing. Blacks experienced less educational opportunities than they did in the rural areas due to the massive amounts of whites in urbans areas. Although, today the US is still battling to overcome race, society has changed drastically when it comes to immigrants. African Americans present day still fight social profiling in the inner cities furthermore, racism is still alive in many whites and has been evolved into subtle discrimination. Indians on the other hand have not as much hostile discrimination blacks, but they live in a US where people forget the meaning behind Columbus day and how the US was not discovered but robbed from native tribes. Immigration today will never be like it was in the Progressive Era, because many US citizens see immigrants as invaders stealing jobs from hard working American. Another reason immigration has diminished is citizens believe depending on where those immigrants are coming from can increase the crime rates of the

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