This concept can be applied in my own writing as I advance in academic writing. I have always been a strong, creative writer and knowing that academic writing will challenge myself in new ways will be a journey I cannot wait to look back…
In L. Lennie Irvin’s article “What is Academic Writing?” he does a great job of explaining what academic writing is and how it works. His article is about how there are many things that people believe about writing that are not completely true. There are many skills you need to have to be a good writer, such…
Well known for her research and publications on student writing, Nancy Sommers—now Harvard’s Expository Writing Program Director—discusses the student’s revision strategies on her journal College Composition and Communication: a compilation of some of her articles. Throughout this essay, I will be focusing on three articles from Nancy 's journal: Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers (1980) with Laura Saltz as cowriter, Between the Drafts (1992), and the Novice as Expert (2004). Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers (1980) juxtaposes through a case study the revision strategies of first-year college students and experienced writers. Between the Drafts (1992) narrates her personal experience with revision strategies. The Novice as Expert: Writing the freshmen (2004) examines how first-year college students—Sommers believes— should approach writing.…
A series of small waves pressed the sail boat against the alge dock as his cold and cracked hands desperately yanked on the rope in an effort to raise the sails. Dark clouds had moved in the night before and had stayed overnight providing a refreshing sprinkle of rain every now and then. He looked out over the vast plain of unsettled water and saw one individual white cap rise up among the rest only to be pushed back down. Due to the lack of sunlight the frigid water appeared black and lifeless but he knew that below it was a complex community of different species. He then bent over the side of the boat and reached for its securing ropes.…
Writing has never been something that has always come easy to me. I consistently find myself taking longer than usual to complete a writing assignment. Although, I consider myself to be a great writer, I tend to get bogged down on guidelines and parameters of assignments. Therefore, preventing me from fully expressing and conveying my thoughts and opinions. Despite the fact that I have succeeded in previous writing courses, this course poses new challenges for me.…
When reading The Everyday Writer, written by Andrea A. Lunsford, director of the program in writing and rhetoric at Stanford University, I realized the importance of revising and reviewing of writing. Learning the process of writing will help greatly; therefore, assignments in the future will be more advanced and proper. In fact, peer editing is a fantastic strategy for the perfect paper; sometimes when one edits their own work they might overlook a few things, having someone else edit the paper gives another perspective to the writing. Being open to another opinion and attaining other opinions can open the mind to improve the writing. Seaman High School, where I attend, offers the Writing Center, ran by students and staff is to help improve…
Although being of a more athletic disposition, Ms. Britton nonetheless works diligently to excel in all areas of studying including the literary arts. She hopes to see higher academic achievement through the course of the semester and work towards improving in all areas of study. The area in which she hopes to see the most improvement is in her writing skills through attentively working on this aspect of the upcoming course. Wanting to formulate well-written analyses of texts and essays, Ms. Britton will continue to demonstrate exceptional capabilities in all aspects of this course. She fully comprehends the merits of exemplifying a strong work ethic, one which will continue to inspire fellow…
How the Continents Came to be One day while Zeus was down on the earth helping and looking around at all the humans, he met a very nice mortal woman. He went up to this beautiful woman and he started to flirt with her. “I don't think I have ever met a more beautiful woman in all the world” said Zeus. “Well thank you, you very nice looking man” answered the woman. The man then asked the woman if she would like to go on a trip with him.…
After reading Mike Bunn’s “How to Read Like a Writer,” I revisited my directed self-placement essay while asking myself the many questions Bunn recommends to ask oneself when “reading like a writer.” In doing so, I was able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses I possess as a writer, and therefore know where I need to grow the most as a writer. One of my greatest strengths as a writer is knowing my audience and composing my writing accordingly. I am aware that when my audience is a teacher who will be reading and grading plenty of the same essays to include original ideas and arguments; it gets boring reading the same type of paper and ideas over and over. Along with my well thought out ideas and arguments, I also credit myself with the ability of using appropriate evidence from credible sources that support my claims.…
In identifying the author’s purpose, audience, genre, and context to determine effective writing, I used different approaches in each of the three essay papers. In the literacy narrative, my purpose was to inform readers…
One of the most important thing I have learned in this course that has positively affected my confidence in my writing skills is the concept of writing a “shitty first draft”. In my midterm self-assessment, I discussed how I thought I was among one of the unlucky ones that was not blessed with natural writing skills. However, through class discussions, I’ve learned that one of the most important competent of professional writing is the need for constant revision. Contrary to popular believe, writing does not come easy to anyone. In order to successfully produce professional writing, it is important that one plan, draft, revise, and edit his or her work.…
I started my journey through writing this year a bundle of nerves and a stomach full of coffee. This is my first year taking an advanced English course, but I was determined to do well. There has been no sleeping in class or slacking off this year, I’m lucky enough to take a college course a year early and at a better price, and I’m not going to waste it. I’ve learned a lot this semester, including but not limited to: identifying how exactly the author’s purpose and audience determines effective writing, developing pieces of writing though a process of planning, revising, and drafting, compose an organized essay with clear points and main ideas, used appropriate tone and formality, critiqued writing, and finally how to grasp the MLA format. My writing has improved through the concepts I have learned this semester.…
This means you should constantly be asking questions about ideas and intentions while reading. This is important because it helps you to understand the text and why it was written as well as how strong it is. “Reading like a writer can help you understand how the process of writing is a series of making choices, and in doing so, can help you recognize important decisions you might face and techniques you might want to use when working on your own writing (Bunn 75).” The strength of the text you are reading can help you improve your writing thoroughly. You should try to analyze the choices made in the text.…
Writing About Writing Authors write for different reasons, at times it is to inform the reader on a particular or several subjects, others it is to persuade the reader on a particular opinion. It does not matter which reason the writer is using to convey their opinion, a few things must remain true. The Author must be able to show his conviction, while remaining subjective and must be able to address their subject to their audience.…
During this semester of English W131, I have experienced both accomplishments and setbacks while learning how to improve my writing skills. Throughout the course, I have learned that writing is not only about how much information is in the paper, but also about how well the writer’s thoughts are expressed throughout the text. Practicing many different styles of writing as I did in the class has helped me tremendously with my delivery in my writing. I believe that this course was one to prepare us for future writing courses with professors we will encounter who will give us feedback that may puzzle us because it will require more work and more thinking. Although I have had difficulty in the class, I do believe that I have learned from my mistakes and that I am finishing the course with stronger writing skills that will help me though the rest of my college career and life.…