My wish to transition to a career in nursing has been on my mind from the time I started college, but I was too naive …show more content…
I absolutely loved my time interacting with patients, helping them with their needs, and making “good catches” when a patient’s baseline condition changed. After experiencing the good and bad days in the hospital, I began to have feelings of regret regarding my engineering degree.
“Is it too late to change degree plans to become a nurse?”
“It is my junior year, I have worked too hard to give up now and change majors.”
“Maybe I will find a job as an engineer where I can work with people like I do here at the hospital!”
I convinced myself to remain hopeful for my future as an engineer based around the assumption that I too could work with people. I excelled in my most difficult classes, having nearly all A’s the last two years of college. My professors told me I would do great things as an engineer, but when the day came for me to graduate college, I was left jobless. I struggled to find my passion and place in the “real” world. I tried my hand at an engineering career and it only took me a few short months to realize that being glued to a computer screen all day did not give my life meaning. At that moment, I had realized that I made a major …show more content…
I live for the moments that I can walk into a room and turn someone’s day from bad to good by making them smile or laugh. Working behind a computer screen took the passion out of my life. I realized that my passion stemmed from the people I have helped and the nurses I have worked with. I made the easy decision to leave my desk job and return to the hospital once again. My has passion returned, but along with feelings of desire and regret- desire to be more than a clinical assistant so I can help more people in more ways and regret for making the wrong degree choice. I know now that my passion and desire is to be a great nurse one day.
The possibility of a career in nursing which I can help others every day is amazing. No two days will ever be the same, no two patients the same. My involvement in health care has allowed me to make an impact on a patient’s day- whether it was a hand to hold, fresh linens to lie on, a warm conversation, or a friendly smile. Like my favorite quote from the movie Patch Adams, “Last night with Rudy, I connected to another human being. I want more of that. I want to learn about people, help them with their troubles.” There is no greater pleasure in life than to be able to help others in their time of