Live Have Been Lost. There have been multiply live lost while in or on many space missions. In 2014 alone 18 astronauts died, thats a lot for just one year. Fatal accidents happen often in this field of work like the 1986 Challenger space shuttle. Howell noted “73 seconds into lift off the shuttle exploded killing all 7 members on board. After this day the Challenger’s nickname changed from NASA 's greatest triumphs to their darkest tragedy” (par 1). According to Howell “Another incident while on a space mission was the Columbia space shuttle of 2003. It broke apart while re-entering Earth’s atmosphere killing all 7 astronauts working on that shuttle. After NASA embarked on an extreme investigation the found the cause of this tragedy was due to a piece of foam that fell from the shuttle 's external tank and hit spacecraft wing. NASA knew about this problem from years.” (par 1) The last unfortunate event NASA endworder was the death of Mae Jemison while aboard the Endeavour space shuttle. She was the first African American woman to travel in space. She was a teacher, physician, and obviously a NASA astronaut analyst at noted. Should Not Be Ran By Undercover Companies. Space travel should be NASA decision not an undercover organization that no one knows. Before this project was started, many people had never heard of organizations like SpaceX, Sierra Nevada, and Boeing. But they have heard of NASA. Spacex is an program that manufactures, launches rockets and spacecrafts. NASA does this and much more. Sierra Nevada was a hard search. Many things appeared from mountain ranges to beer brews. Nothing to do with NASA in my opinion. Last Boeing a corporations that of course manufactures, designs and sells rockets, satellites, and spacecrafts. Their headquarters are in Chicago Illinois but yet multiply students didn’t know what and who they are. These undercover companies aren’t known and if anyone was asked to be apart of an space mission to any place they would of course say no. How do people know they are safe? How do people know they actually know what they are doing once in position? How are people supposed to trust a stranger with their life if they did not even know you existed? Space Is Not A Source Of Entertainment. Space should be used for science not bringing humans there for fun. As stated in TechChurch “Space isn’t a source of entertainment in any type of way. Space should be used to study and discover new asteroid heading towards Earth. If such an incident was to occur once again civilians would hope NASA would have the money and resources to destroy the asteroid in its path or create something that can hold humans so that they would survive this Intrusion of rock on Earth. If dinosaurs knew about what was coming they would have …show more content…
Although space privatization does have it pros and cons space privatization should stay and for ever be up to NASA. Privatizing space just should not be taken lightly. The organization that need to go into space is NASA and their men and women. NASA’s job is to explore Space, learn from it, and prepare the world for what is out there. If NASA does choose to allow other outside companies to enter its world then fine. If space does not become privatized there will be no problems residing any mishaps that may happen by people that really don’t understand what they are doing. Space travel being trivialized should be a no because to many lives have been lost while on duty, it should not be ran by people who do not really know what they are doing, and last space is not for human