Daily activities require nurses’ use their knowledge and skills to adequately care for patients. This requires focus, diligence and collaboration with other nurses and healthcare professionals. March and Cabrera highlights incivility in nursing occurring both vertically and horizontally. The authors outline vertical incivility being manifested in inadequate leadership and a lack of commitment to a zero tolerance policy while horizontal incivility can be seen in deeming actions amongst peers. Though nursing is autonomous in nature, it depends greatly on collaborative work to effectively complete a task. Ineffective collaboration, throughout all levels of nursing, can ultimately impact the quality of care provided; non-nurse and nursing staff as well as nursing management all need to work cohesively to achieve the desired goal. March and Cabrera (2017) state that incivility “erodes self-confidence and can result in emotional distress and stress-related health problems”. It is important to note that there is a significant correlation with incivility and negative patient outcomes. March and Cabrera (2017) highlights an increased risk of medication errors and patient falls that can be directly linked to decreased performance caused by incivility. Nurses exposed to incivility in the workplace, will typically become stressed and over time display poor mental
Daily activities require nurses’ use their knowledge and skills to adequately care for patients. This requires focus, diligence and collaboration with other nurses and healthcare professionals. March and Cabrera highlights incivility in nursing occurring both vertically and horizontally. The authors outline vertical incivility being manifested in inadequate leadership and a lack of commitment to a zero tolerance policy while horizontal incivility can be seen in deeming actions amongst peers. Though nursing is autonomous in nature, it depends greatly on collaborative work to effectively complete a task. Ineffective collaboration, throughout all levels of nursing, can ultimately impact the quality of care provided; non-nurse and nursing staff as well as nursing management all need to work cohesively to achieve the desired goal. March and Cabrera (2017) state that incivility “erodes self-confidence and can result in emotional distress and stress-related health problems”. It is important to note that there is a significant correlation with incivility and negative patient outcomes. March and Cabrera (2017) highlights an increased risk of medication errors and patient falls that can be directly linked to decreased performance caused by incivility. Nurses exposed to incivility in the workplace, will typically become stressed and over time display poor mental