The act was passed to eliminate children drifting between caregivers. Large amount of children would result in long-term care that had no end result before AACWA was passed. This law allowed more frequent foster care placements. The idea of short-term placements was favored for both foster child and foster parent. Caseworkers were supposed to be proactive by developing and applying plans for children housed in reported at-risk situations; therefore, caseworkers were to also organize an appropriate interventions. The act also enforces parents to complete mental health examinations, completion of substance abuse treatment, a parenting class, anger management, obtaining secure employment, and safe housing. These are valiant efforts in which only positive outcomes would be recorded, but every test can be cheated. The world is a hostile place and majority of people’s nature is to do what is best for themselves; rather than what it best for others. For these tests to be accurate, the caseworker must give their upmost precious time on researching the applied foster parent before declaring them as a guardian. Especially with today’s technology, human nature will do anything for their own benefit such as cheating their answers in order to get a foster child. These tests should be applied throughout the housing of a foster child; therefore, keeping an eye out for irregularities …show more content…
The acts primary concern is that children receive the upmost safe and proper care. This act illustrates a fantastic purpose to assist the foster children (Westat). Luckily, acts such as this are in place making it obvious their main concern is of the well-being of the foster child. As a nation, we need to keep our eyes and ears out for any suffering child. We can never have a blind eye and neglect the apparent family abuse taking place; if we ignore the signs we are a part of the problem, as well. ASFA encourages parent reunifications and alternate permanent living situations. According to Tara Gailey, a foster care worker of eleven years in Utah, depicts that even though the child may experience negative interactions between them and their biological parents; the minor still tends to ask how their biological parents are doing. The connection between the child and parent is inseparable. This act also offers financial incentives to local communities and states if adoption rates increase. If adoption rates were to increase, this would help eliminate any further atrocious foster care