I have done the same with my side of the family that more “unconventional.” I don’t want people to know some of the things that goes on in that, so I simply don’t talk about them, the way she didn’t. When I am faced with a situation where I actually have insight on a situation based on the experience I’ve had with this side of the family, I keep my mouth shut. Jeannette explained how she was scared she could lose her job if any of her colleagues were to find out about her parents, the same way I’m sometimes scared I would lose my friends if they knew. I let very few select people know how that side of my family acts, but I would never introduce a new person to them without briefing that person first. The social construct my family has set up is totally different the the one around them. I grew up having to be very dependant on myself. Once I was old enough to work, I was expected to contribute to the family the way an adult would. Although this is very unconventional, it did teach me a very hard work ethic and how to be …show more content…
I have learned to adapt to change on the fly and not let big changes in my environment throw me off completely based off of the non-traditional parenting that I received. I also know how to deal with difficult situations from growing up in this environment. Learning to roll with these punches will help me so much in my life, not only in college but also in my professional and personal problems. I know how to work hard for what I want and I know the right tools to overcome any challenge that I might face. I know how to help others without letting them crutch on me, and I’d like to say that I know how to be an encouraging person based on caring for my mother.
The Glass Castle brought to light the topics of non-traditional parenting, and living with a sufferer of mental illness, both of which have importance to me. Having these things touched on in such a publicly acceptable way that someone who does not deal with them every day can understand is amazing. It shows the hidden struggles that we all deal with, especially the ones that noone else can see. Jeannette wrote an amazing book that not only told an amazing story, but brought to light such difficult topics to talk about in a way that everyone was comfortable reading