Hardships In The Glass Castle

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In the book, The Glass Castle, the author named Jeannette Walls opens up about the hardships her family was forced to experience. Main factors in those hardships were poverty and Jeannette’s father’s drinking habit. Through these issues, Jeannette along with her siblings managed to tackle the parental role and take care of themselves, as well as each other. Although Jeannette’s parents were at times negligent, they had undoubtedly taught their children long-lasting morals and values. These lessons have proven to play a significant role on the children and brought them together, even in the worst of situations. Despite the continuous struggles that the Walls family faced with Rex in attendance or not, their sanguinity and hopes of a better …show more content…
Growing up wasn’t trouble-free for the children, as they had to move from place to place in such rushed time. Yet, they still shed light on their conflicting situations and gradually made the best out of it. While there were those who were fortunate and effortlessly received accessories or any sort from their parents, the Walls children were looking forward to just having their basic needs. Paychecks would be cashed at lucky occasions, and the family would head over to a restaurant to eat what would be considered a week’s worth of groceries. For instance, on the day of payday in Battle Mountain, Jeannette stated that “Dad insisted we go to the Owl Club to celebrate payday, and ordered steaks for all of us. They tasted so good we forgot we were eating a week’s worth of groceries” (Walls 77). It was such a rare time for the Walls family to be enjoying a meal. When there was a shortage of food and money, sibling bond is what came to be. Thus, I believe that this book targets at both children and parents. While in the 21st century, we have easy access to places such as Dunkin Donuts to buy an iced coffee or Key Food to buy bread slices, the Walls children, specifically Jeannette and Brian would pick up food from the trash and call it a meal for the day. The children were self-dependent and handled whatever was thrown at them. Reading this book had made me think deeply about perspective, thus causing me to feel more grateful about my surroundings. Although currency plays a huge effect on how we live, intelligence is key. Intelligence is something that comes from within, and is something that cannot be bought. Of course, we are going to need food, shelter, etc. but majority of the rest results in temporary happiness. Jeannette’s parents have demonstrated to the children that any obstacle can be undertaken. An example of this is when Rose-Mary had gotten a job as

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