Being a part of the Wall’s family you quickly learn to fend for yourself when it comes to education, food, clothes and survival in general. At the age of three Jeannette was already cooking for herself while her dad was out doing random jobs and …show more content…
She was standing on the chair cooking hot dogs when she leaned over to stir them around in the pot on the stove. During this action the dress lit up with flames. The flames continued from the dress, up her body and finally reaching her face. Jeannette not moving in fear screamed for her mom until she came in to see what was wrong. She was then patted down by rags to kill the flames, rushed out the door and on her way to the hospital. When arriving at the hospital she was then taken into immediate care. Jeannette was reassured over and over again that she was going to be okay. “I know, but if I’m not, that’s okay too.” (pg.11) Jeannette then responded. During her six weeks at the hospital she experienced things that she had never …show more content…
Although Rose Mary, Jeannette’s mom, came from a very different social status than her husband, Rex, they were very much alike. Rose Mary came from a rich family where her mother was a school teacher and provided for her very well. Rex came from a family who worked with what they had and although they had food on the table, his living conditions weren’t always the best. Jeannette’s mother coming from Phoenix and her dad coming from Welch, Virginia you would think their way of living would differ greatly. This was not the case when it came to those two together. Rose Mary had always been carefree. She lived for the adventure that was given to her in her life. She hated being stuck and she as stated in the book, was an excitement addict. Her father was always stuck in the same place growing up and had to tolerate tough living styles. The two together made it for an interesting relationship and how they soon took care of their kids. They both had always taught their kids to rub some dirt on it and go back outside to play. They weren’t the parents to comfort you when you were upset and take you to the doctor when you were hurt. Both parents believed that this incident wasn’t as big as they were making it and it showed how little concern they had for Jeannette’s well being. Rose Mary and Rex assumed that every time you fell down, you were supposed to get back up no matter the