I am legitimately at a loss for words.
Before I talk about what a great experience reading this book was I definitely have to address the elephant in the room: the ending.
In psych class this year we learned about a term called "motivated forgetting". It means exactly what it says pretty much, it is the psychological behavior in which people can forget unwanted memories unconsciously. Since it is something that you forget I obviously couldn't think of any examples in psych class at the time we learned about it. The ending to My Sisters Keeper is a PERFECT example. I'll try to keep summary to a minimum but pretty much since my last blog post the main thing …show more content…
The case is finally heard and it is assumed that Anna is going to win, meaning she is going to make the choice to keep her kidney and Kate is now on board and accepting that. What I THOUGHT was going to happen (keep in mind that I have technically read this book before, even though it was 8 years ago) was that Kate eventually dies and Anna and Sara become much closer and it's an expected, happy ending. Instead however, on the ride home from the courtroom Campbell's car gets hit by a truck and Anna is left brain dead. What????? I actually thought I was getting punk'd when I read that, motivated forgetting is definitely real and definitely freaky. However, this surprise of an ending was definitely a lot better and more meaningful than any ending I could have imagined. As it progresses further the doctor that labeled Anna as brain dead gives Sara, Brian and Campbell the heartbreaking news and asks if they have considered her for possible organ donation because her body was still in tact. Campbell steps …show more content…
The memories, emotions, and nostalgia this book made me feel couldn't have been done by any other book. Despite the fact that I have a special relation with this book I would definitely still recommend this book to any reader. I sadly didn't cry reading the book this time but I can guarantee that this novel will make even the coldest of souls emotional, there were times when I had to put the book down and just think happy thoughts for a second. Not many books are able to do that. Apart from how emotional the book is it is also very well-written, it is actually surprisingly humorous throughout. For example when Anna is thinking about her own birth she concludes that “if aliens landed on earth today and took a good hard look at why babies get born, they'd conclude that most people have children by accident, or because they drink too much on a certain night, or because birth control isn't one hundred percent”(7-8) which is actually quite humorous but this humor is spliced with sadness because she goes on to conclude that if Kate was healthy she wouldn't be alive. The ability to maintain a humorous tone while telling such a deeply sad story is something else that really sets this novel apart from others. This book will touch you in all the right ways and for that reason I can say without hesitation that it is a