Creative Writing
The Death of Adventure
The most adventurous step that Marion Granger ever took in her life would also be her last. Whoever would have thought she’d be the one to suffer the tumble? She was no remarkable character; in fact, her life story was extremely boring up to this point and needn’t be told in detail. It was about five o’clock, at least according to the alarm clock that gained time no matter how many times it was adjusted by a good smack on the side, and the sun was drooping down to the horizon. Marion was also drooping. One might call it moping, rather, for she had decided to be dismal, and nothing would change her resolution. “I can’t believe how dark it is already. Nothing ever goes right.” Her companion, a blond-headed young man with …show more content…
The weird one – sorry, weird accident. You’re not weird.” “Yes, that was me.” Marion gulped back her tears in an effort to look dignified. “I’m sorry. This is a lot in two days. Maybe you should take a few days off, to recover.” Marion shrugged. “I can’t. But thank you.” He nodded, then looked toward his impatiently beckoning partner. “I hope you’ll be okay. Take care!” As she strolled toward her next class, she wished he didn’t have to leave. She got her wish in a very unfortunate way when she walked through the door of the music classroom to find her one male classmate playing the grand piano. He finished the song with a series of thundering arpeggios and crashing chords, clapped a hand to his chest, and fell backwards off the piano bench. Marion raced into the hallway and shouted after the paramedics. “Help! Someone’s just collapsed!” The young one came running and bent over the lifeless figure. “What happened?” “He was playing the piano, and then he just . . . fell over.” “What kind of piece was he playing?” She frowned. “It’s a very demanding piece. Quite