2022, height of the trans-Canadian war, and I’m stuck here in school, Washington, 17, still single, like a fuckin nerd. I live alone, but am still not legally an adult, so I can't actually do that much. It was the Thursday of the end of 12th grade. I had a few ideas for what to do once I’m out of 12th, but only a high school degree won’t get you much.
A few years ago, the united states declared mutual war with Mexico, under our 47th president, after our 46th president was impeached. Within the 3rd month of our 47th, we had an economic crisis, nicknamed the ‘collapse.’ Our entire economic system was turned on its head, and life took a bad turn. The government asked the UN for help on our economics, but they denied us, considering the war between us and one of …show more content…
Then, I fell over and couldn’t move. “Finally! Hot damn, that took a long time!” he said, opening a drawer, and pulling out some metal-sounding instruments. I tried to recoil from the noise, but my body wouldn’t move. He leaned over me, with a small knife in his hand. “don’t worry. This'll only take a second, and be painless.” But before he even got to ‘worry’, I was out cold.
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I woke up drowsily, looking around for some kind of grip on the situation for the second time in the day. Or had it already been a day. It felt longer. My left arm was propped up in front of me. At first, it wasn’t that surprising, but then I followed it up to the shoulder, only to discover it had none. Before I even drew that conclusion, I began to gag. Then scream internally. Then externally, in a raw, shaky, and hoarse voice. A monitor next to me began rapidly beeping, and showed many rapid spikes. I knew from all my movies that that was my pulse, and I had just had a very big dose of