The Cold War: Mieczkowski's October Sky

Great Essays
October Sky

After the end of World War II, the United States and Soviet Union entered a period called the Cold War. The Cold War was a time period that was filled with tensions, competitions, and fear. The Cold War mainly occurred due to the United State’s fear of communist ideas, as well as the Soviet’s fears of capitalism, and both country’s possessions of nuclear weapons. These two different concepts lead the Soviets and the United States into a time period full of tensions and competitions. Of the competitions that occurred, the most commonly known was the space race. The space race began in 1957, under the concept of bipolar world, which meant that the U.S and Russia were trying to come out as the best country in the world.
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However, space technology during 1950s is like a new and unknown territory discovered. No real established laws or restrictions exist to stop such fantasies from becoming reality. This, as Mieczkowski mentions, makes people afraid and concerned. In October Sky this fear is expressed and addressed directly and indirectly. At first, people’s concerns are directly shown when they watch the Sputnik disappear in the sky. A background character talks about how the Soviets were going to start putting bombs on the satellites and blow towns up. Later on, when Homer proclaims his desire to build a rocket of his own, he is often disregarded or scolded for playing and making such a “weapon.” These small dialogues and actions, although seemingly insignificant, represent true events and feelings of citizens during the time period as Mieczkowski had explained. They show the U.S citizen’s fear of the Soviet Union’s presence. They are an accurate depiction of citizens thoughts towards Russia in the given time period of the Cold …show more content…
Wernher von Braun was Homer’s idol through the film; Braun was a German rocket scientist working in the U.S. Braun did not physically appear in the entire film, until the very end when he shakes Homer’s hand. However, Homer often writes letters and “speaks” to Braun. Wernher von Braun was one of the many scientist that came to the United States during the time period. This shows the United States well being and overall state during the Cold War. It is somewhat ironic how Braun, a German, is given importance of all scientists because Braun reveals the status and images of countries during the time. In Epic Rivalry: The inside Story of the Soviet and American Space Race by Hardesty, Von, Gene Eisman, and Sergeĭ Khrushchev, wrote that, “At another point in the campaign, Kennedy noted that American science and education enjoyed a reputation ‘second to none’ around the world,” (Hardesty, Von, Eisman, Khrushchev, 106). As Kennedy had said, the United States has a high status reputation, which makes loss unacceptable. This is even more so after the U.S ended World War II by using nuclear weapons for the first time. The pride and confidence of citizens in their country makes them try to out do others and to achieve absolute victory, specifically against the Soviets. This is idea of the United State’s greatness and superiority is expressed

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