Cold War Dbq

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The Cold War was a time of heightened geopolitical tensions between the two global superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. It is known as the Cold War because while battle did not ensue between the Western and Eastern Blocs, major proxy wars supported by both sides occurred. It was a conflict between capitalism and communism, democracy against authoritarianism. During this time, both sides stockpiled on nuclear arsenal, but never ensued in an all-out war on the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). The Soviet Union was not the only national threat: various problems brewed on the domestic front. Despite being freed citizens, black people still faced racial inequality. Cold War hysteria over communist threat also impacted …show more content…
However, not all of the elected Cold War presidents were successful: while some illustrated resolve at each crisis, others buckled under damaging political, economic, and social developments. Although they both shaped American lifestyle and culture during their presidencies, Eisenhower implemented the best foreign and domestic policies and Carter implemented the worst foreign and domestic policies. Eisenhower’s unwavering leadership and determination for peace allowed him to be an accomplished president. On the homefront, significant unrest lay with the African American community. The Little Rock Crisis depicted the ensuing conflict between segregationists and integrationists. In 1957, Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School in efforts to prevent nine black students from entering. In response, Eisenhower sent federal troops into Little Rock to protect the children from white rioters. In a telegram sent to the governor, Eisenhower denounced Faubus’ requests for federal cooperation and instead, pledged to uphold and defend the constitution. He writes that Faubus’ actions go against the orders of …show more content…
In just seven months after his inauguration, Eisenhower ended the Korean War, with an armistice, reaffirming the 38th parallel. His interests in taking action in the Korean War can be recognized in his campaign speech, “I shall go to Korea.” In his speech, Eisenhower expresses the need for free leadership to check Communist ambition. He also states that hesitation fuels a dictator’s appetite for conquest and invites war; ignoring the problem will only lead to failure. Eisenhower’s past experience as a World War II military general is invoked in this speech when he justifies that ignoring the situation would only tempt Communists to conquer more. However, Eisenhower was not war-hungry. In fact, he abhorred war and felt that both he and America just wanted peace. Surprisingly, the principal obstacle to that peace was neither China nor North Korea, but the South Korean president Syngman Rhee. Rhee insisted on carrying out the war, but without the support of the United Nations, his supply of fuel and ammunition dwindled, forcing him to cooperate. The armistice was signed on July 27, 1953, ending the Korean War in the United States’ favor: exerting itself as a dominating superpower while also promoting peace. Although the 1950s were a time of tumultuous change, the Eisenhower administration excelled in promoting peace and economic

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