In this sense the war had a very liberal origin and basis. Liberalism, unlike realism, places emphasis on individual interests and an ability to differ from government leaders ( What this means is that “individuals within a society can have very different… goals compared to a state leader/leaders…” ("Liberalism", (n.d.)). The United States, along with multiple other countries, fought to reduce both the spread and influence of Communism and bring about Democracy, a political system which is inherently liberal. To clarify, liberalism is, as explained by Moravcsik, “foreign policy preferences of governments… directly influenced by the formal representative institutions that link state and society” ("Liberalism", (n.d.)) which includes “political parties, electoral systems, and bureaucracies.” ("Liberalism", (n.d.)). Because of the nature of communism, which has no political parties or electoral systems, the war for democracy was also a war for
In this sense the war had a very liberal origin and basis. Liberalism, unlike realism, places emphasis on individual interests and an ability to differ from government leaders ( What this means is that “individuals within a society can have very different… goals compared to a state leader/leaders…” ("Liberalism", (n.d.)). The United States, along with multiple other countries, fought to reduce both the spread and influence of Communism and bring about Democracy, a political system which is inherently liberal. To clarify, liberalism is, as explained by Moravcsik, “foreign policy preferences of governments… directly influenced by the formal representative institutions that link state and society” ("Liberalism", (n.d.)) which includes “political parties, electoral systems, and bureaucracies.” ("Liberalism", (n.d.)). Because of the nature of communism, which has no political parties or electoral systems, the war for democracy was also a war for