Only a few months after the launch of Sputnik, America’s desperation to put themselves back on top was evident with the creation of the Vanguard TV3 satellite. This satellite was launched in Cape Canaveral, Florida, and completely failed as it crashed after the fuel tanks exploded. (Deffree). It was not until January of 1958 that America would successfully place a satellite into orbit, yet was still behind the Soviet Union as they had already launched a dog into space on Sputnik 2 …show more content…
Not only did America gain superiority over the Soviet Union through the Space Race, but it also Global Positioning Systems, or GPS’s, were made possible through the satellites which Sputnik set the stage for. The technological advancements sparked by the Space Race increased the ability of weather radars. Education, the first step to improving the nation, was revolutionized as science and math programs became increasingly funded in universities across the country (CBS). Most significantly, the Space Race helped the human race gain an understanding of the universe they live in. Prior to this, knowledge of the “final frontier” was limited; humans have been increasing their comprehension of how the universe works ever since (Interactive). The largest legacy of the race is NASA itself, as this organization alone has led numerous successful missions and acquired much of the world’s knowledge of space (Dickson). Each of these outcomes remain memorable to all citizens of America and serve as major milestones in American history. As a representation of determination, improvement, pride, and power, the Space Race perfectly defines America