In the 1950’s, one in six Americans were employed in the automobile industry. America was growing rapidly. The 50’s were considered the “Golden Age” of the 20th Century. World War II was over and manufacturing was on a roll. Automobiles became a big part of life. The car industry in the 1950’s were effected by a few key things that happened during that century.
As a matter of fact the 1950’s were some of the most influential times in history. World War II ended in 1945. Manufacturing companies had been busy making lots of products for war, like guns and army vehicles. During the 40’s there was a shortage of metal because all the metal was being used for guns and weapons so automobile companies had to find other materials. Later in the century, Eisenhower called for The Interstate Highway Act. This Act planned to make around 41,000 miles of highway. A different kind of transportation became popular around that time. In 1957 the Russians launched “Spudnik”, the first man made object in space. The 50’s had lots of exciting things happening. …show more content…
Elvis Presley became famous and rock and roll music became popular. New types of businesses popped up everywhere to serve people. Drive-in diners where waitresses roller-skated to your car to take your order were everywhere. At the same time, along with “Spudnik”, the space age was growing and becoming an exciting part of our culture. Scientists wanted to see if they could get a person into space. The space race began where America and Russia competed to see who could get a man on the moon first. America was full of