Should Death Penalty Be Banned Essay

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The Death Penalty has been the consequence of many unlawful crimes since the early 1600’s and even before that. Some crimes are so gruesome that they can result in the death of the people who committed that crime. The methods that are used to execute inmates that are given the death penalty are lethal injection, which is one of the most common methods, electrocution, gas chambers, hanging, and firing squad. Most of these methods are just as inhumane as the crimes that are committed to receive this punishment. The death penalty should be banned for many reasons, some of those reasons are that financially it cost more to execute someone than to give them life in prison, someone could be wrongly accused and given the death penalty for crimes they …show more content…
The victims families are not the only ones affected by these decisions. In the article, The Reach of the Death penalty, the jurors, attorneys, and their families are physically and emotionally drained. These trials are an emotional tug because you are spending years and years revisiting the horrible evidence and death of the victim. Long after the trials have ended families of the jurors said they began drinking heavily to deal with the strain of taking another life. Therefore, as a result of the death penalty there are more than just one family or a few people that are affected in the trials and consequences of the death penalty.
In conclusion, the death penalty should be banned because of its financial instability, someone could be falsely accused, and it has an effect of the lives of people. The death penalty is meant to bring down capital crime rates but it seem to be an increase, and it is wasting the money of taxpayers. Criminals are being wrongly accused and punished for crimes they did not commit. While in many cases the court is withholding evidence. Therefore, as a result to these situations the death penalty should be

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