Ethical Interpretation Of The Constitution

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Throughout the drafting of the Constitution, the ideals and philosophy behind the ideas of human rights were twisted and molded to fit the needs of both the northern and southern representatives. Considering the issue of black rights during the 18th century, the dilemma between the 2 sides was balancing on a fair. Taking into account that the north was predominantly antislavery and the south was pro-slavery, without meeting an ultimatum, the Constitution would not for the United States. The southern economy was based off of the revenue the free slave labor provided to them and the boost in a population count. The northern states contrasting with the south refused to take any of these benefits of slavery based off of the people 's ethical beliefs. Even though the North was generally considered anti-slavery, their ethical beliefs refused them to allow slavery into their society. With a rewrite of the Articles of Confederation definitely in order, which lead to the rights of all slaves during that time to be restricted and held down through unfair clauses in the Constitution.
Before the events leading up to the Constitution, representatives from all the current
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By reducing the rights of slaves and giving an overwhelming majority of power to the southern states in the House of Representatives through the three-fifths clause, it has become clear that the early American viewpoint was that we needed to keep slavery for as long as we can. As slave labor being the number one source of plantation workers in the south, by removing them entirely, the income once obtained by these landowners would be decreased siverly, and the north knew it. By removing slavery from the early American lifestyle, the economic boost we were going through would drastically decrease from where they

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