The Second Great Awakening and Uncle Tom’s Cabin Several events unfolded in the North to produce a growing sentiment among white …show more content…
It is said that, “Not one contributed more to the growing opposition to slavery among white northerners than Harriet Beecher Stowe (Hine, 2014).” After Stowe grew up in a religious backdrop, not to mention that her husband, father, and brothers were all ministers, she realized her deep disgust over the issue of slavery. This disgust lead to her to write her famous book called Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This novel exposed slavery’s barbarism, which resulted in greater realization among white northerners of the true quality of slavery (Hine, 2014). Stowe’s writings converted what was once a far off labor system in the eyes of white northerners into a real industry that was destroying lives (Hine, 2014). Some northerners were furious at Stowe’s book, but the majority of the northern demographic were deeply touched by …show more content…
First, Abraham Lincoln’s election as president was a huge blow to the southern community, as it made them nervous he would eventually abolish slavery. They considered this a threat to their luxury of enjoying the profit of slavery. Although Lincoln was clear about his opposition of slavery he also admitted he had not intention of messing with the South’s slave system. For example, Lincoln said, “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists (Hine, 2014).” Be that as it may, the South was not convinced. Secondly, since southern states were not confident that Lincoln would keep his hands off their “right” to slavery, South Carolina lead a wave of secession by withdrawing from the Union in 1860. The southern states that followed South Carolina’s lead were the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, and Texas (Hine, 2014). It seems the separation of the southern states from the Union was the tip of the iceberg leading up to the Civil War. The country was severely divided on many fronts, but notably over the controversy of