One way it was a key factor is explorers wanted to find out what was outside of Europe. They wanted to know how the natives lived and how they do it. When an explorer would sail away to the unknown, a huge reason for going was to make the unknown known. One way it was a key factor in the Scientific Revolution is that people were interested in finding things out themselves instead of just being told how something is. Scientist did tests and would tell other scientists about their findings. Those scientists would then try the same experiments to prove the idea for themselves. They wanted to do tests and experiments to prove their ideas and share it with the world. A third way a search for knowledge was important is that the Bible was the primary source of knowledge in the Dark Age. People were pushed around and told how life happened. In the Scientific Revolution, scientists wanted to prove the bible wrong or right one way or …show more content…
The was printing press was undoubtedly one of the most important inventions in the Europe. The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450, which led to the start of the Renaissance. The printing press helped spread scientific findings in the Scientific Revolution. It also helped make copies of maps for explorers traveling to different places. Another very important invention was the telescope. The telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey in 1608 but was improved upon by Galileo in 1609. Galileo was the first to record observations in the sky using the telescope. Observers were able to look at things in space with good detail which eventually led to heliocentric ideas. Another invention that greatly helped explorers was the Astrolabe that was invented by Hipparchus in ancient Greece. Portuguese Sailors first started using the Astrolabe on seas in 1481. The astrolabe was able to measure the angle of the sun which could then be converted to find latitude, which greatly helped sailors find the exact point that they want to