Between 1814 and 1860, the population was increased greatly, and almost quadrupled what it was. This was mostly due to immigration.
During this time in history, many new inventions and ideas were created. In addition to the printing press, the telegraph was also invented by Samuel Morse. Eventually, the transcontinental railroad would be completed later in 1869, and would knit the regions together. The rapid shift that was from agrarian to industrial economy caused a great growth for the business sector, and also struck new creativity that meant new inventions as well. At this time, western expansion extended to the Pacific Coast and new precious metals would be found and transformed. …show more content…
With that, annexation of these western territories damaged earlier compromises having to do with extension of slavery. Because of industrialization, the differences between north and south and the sectionalism that would occur was only accentuated. Planters in the South increasingly grew dependent on slave labor in terms of cotton production which fed the factories in the North, and in Great Britain. Along with this, there was an extension of slavery, especially in the west, and it meant heavy migration for African Americans. Of course, this also brought up many debates on the future extension of slavery and caused damage to the national party system. However, when Abraham Lincoln was elected, he had his strong vision of new lands that were free of slavery. Due to this, Southern states seceded from the Union. Obviously, throughout the 1800's, industrialization was very popular. Industrialization means that a society transforms from an agricultural society, to one that is primarily focused on the manufacturing of goods and services. With so many exciting inventions, this was inevitable. Northern manufacturing extended the use of power-driven machines and soon, the United States would only come second to Great Britain and France in manufacturing. With the growth of industrialization and manufacturing, conflict would arise. Not only did the North, South, East, and West have different views on lifestyles, but they also had different views on slavery. This went on throughout history. Not only was industrialization a popular concept, but it competed with many other primary beliefs throughout this time. People debated on the ideas of sectionalism, nationalism, and isolationism. These were all very different ideas and they were all being pursued and enforced in different areas of the world. Some people in America wanted to pursue wars and other conflicts that would take place and would categorize themselves under the idea of nationalism or militarism. Other parts of the country supported the