The 9/11 Attack

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The 9/11 attack was faced with many areas that needed improvement, but in the New York during the mayhem the lack of communication and poor cooperative teamwork led to so many areas issues. It is obvious that FDNY and ESU did not train together nor did they response to the attack with collaborative afford. During the attack ESU executed their emergency plan, utilized their equipment and established their own command post, which conflicted with the FDNY command post and vice versa. NYPD and FDNY did not work together to achieve the same goal, the confusion caused by the attack and the overwhelming number of personnel converging to the disaster and lack of communication played significant role in the breakdown of the command post. It is obvious that training between NYPD and FDNY did not occur, they saw themselves as separate entities responding to a major disaster. …show more content…
Responding to the Pentagon was a team effort, they all worked together to achieve one goal. All agencies training together developed a comfort level and an expectation of each other and this led to a well ran and well planned response to the Pentagon attack. The Pentagon attack displayed that during an emergency establishing a command post and ensure that all personnel within that command structure follows a set protocol will ensure a successful

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