Analysis Of Thank You For Arguing '

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6. Appeals, Ethos-Logos-Pathos:
The use of the entire real-life 911 call throughout the entire ad [1] is an example of the ethos concept [2]. In Thank you for Arguing, Heinrich tells us that, “An audience is more likely to believe a trustworthy persuader, and to accept his argument” (40). [3] This ad uses this actual 911 call to get across to his or her viewers that something like this is a reality, and can happen to anyone. This particular concept of having this 911 call is chilling to listen to just because no one ever expects it to be a reality. Through the use of this real-life 911 call it gives the audience that credibility that things like this actually happens, and that its still a problem in our society today. As an audience we know
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As the video continues on it is easy to notice the books, candlestick holders, and a messed up rug on the floor. [1] This set of imagery helps to appeal to the pathos concept. [2] On page 86 of Thank you For Arguing, Heinrich explains experience with pathos as, “The more vividly you give the audience the sensation of an experience the greater emotion you arouse.” [3] This happens to be a prefect example of experience to really give the audience of this emotionally domestic violence that just occurred. Everything that we see on the screen is the aftermath of an attack on a woman. As we watch more areas of the house with scattered and misplaced items our emotions are hit hard. We understand that something horrific has taken place and we feel remorseful for the woman who just went through that attack. …show more content…
According to Heinrichs logos isn’t just logic, “Bible translators interpret is at “word”. But the Greeks also applied logos to logic, conversation, delivering a speech, and all the word’s and strategy that go into an argument” (137). [3] Not only does logos take the factor of factual data and statistics but also real life examples. This 911-phone call was an actual situation that happened to a woman in her life, which can be used just as much as a statistic. The author appeals to logos by taking this real life 911 phone call as its support in saying that sexual and domestic violence is a reality in today’s society. [4]
However, taking a closer look at this phone call being used, there seems to be a logical fallacy that happens to fall in to place as. An anecdote is using a personal experience or an isolated example instead of a valid argument, especially to dismiss statistics. Throughout the entire advertisement not a single statistic popped up in the argument and was based off of a real life experience. With that being said we can see that statistics were avoided in this situation and was just based of the fallacy of an anecdotal

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