In its most basic form, a syllogism contains two premises and a conclusion drawn from the premises” (Supporting Ideas 652). The major premise is that Clorox Bleach is a widely known germ-killing, clothes whitening, household cleaning product. The minor premises, relating back to the commercial, is that this mom has Clorox Bleach as a cleaning product for household messes. The conclusion is the idea that the mother in the video will be using Clorox Bleach to clean her son 's’ accidental mess while disinfecting any germs on hand. This is another way that Logos determines why using Clorox Bleach is a reasonable choice.
This commercial is also, in a way, made in a skit format, leaving room for a lot of improvs to be done. This is smart logically because now the audience can take a different look at the commercial and have more of what real reactions look like and how this mother would really tackle an everyday mishap. Therefore, the commercial is even more effective because we are getting real reactions from people who are viewing this commercial. Also, because of it being left to improv and showing the real reactions, we get real emotions and that leads into how pathos is shown and used throughout the …show more content…
“Advertisers and political campaigns have been extremely good at making these kinds of appeals…however, emotional appeals do not have to be manipulative; when used effectively and judiciously, they can help you connect with your reader or illustrate the emotional aspects of an issue” (Supporting Ideas 661). This quote relates to the commercial because we see how excited a mother gets when her son has used the “potty” and it sparks a connection between viewer and actress on screen. Then when the mothers’ voice changes and becomes upset because of the spilling of urine, viewers can also connect with it because they know what it is like to have to clean up after children and how mothers become upset or angry when things like this happen. Now, it is safe to assume that everyone has their own method of cleaning. However, because of viewing this commercial, viewers are now persuaded to buy the Clorox Bleach because of the connection from one mother to the next. Viewers of the advertisement would respond, “Hey, if this is going to clean up her child’s mess, it will clean up my child’s too.” Sparking an emotional connection is a major