For example, in order to run for a statewide office a candidate’s signatures must equal one percent of the votes cast for governor in the past general elections. Gaining signatures on a petition is not easy. Each signer is required to be a registered voter and must not have participated in the primary elections of other parties in that electoral cycle. A minor party, also known as a third party, is defined as a political organization that receives between 5 and 19 percent of the total votes cast for any statewide office in the past election. Parties can nominate their candidate in a party caucus once the party has received minor party status. A party caucus is defined as a meeting of members of a political party to nominate candidates and is used only by minor political parties in Texas. Only the democratic and republican parties hold the status of being a major party. The Texas Election code defines a major party as an organization that receives 20 percent or more of the total votes cast for governor in the past election. These organizations then nominate their candidates for the November general election in a primary
For example, in order to run for a statewide office a candidate’s signatures must equal one percent of the votes cast for governor in the past general elections. Gaining signatures on a petition is not easy. Each signer is required to be a registered voter and must not have participated in the primary elections of other parties in that electoral cycle. A minor party, also known as a third party, is defined as a political organization that receives between 5 and 19 percent of the total votes cast for any statewide office in the past election. Parties can nominate their candidate in a party caucus once the party has received minor party status. A party caucus is defined as a meeting of members of a political party to nominate candidates and is used only by minor political parties in Texas. Only the democratic and republican parties hold the status of being a major party. The Texas Election code defines a major party as an organization that receives 20 percent or more of the total votes cast for governor in the past election. These organizations then nominate their candidates for the November general election in a primary