“The Electoral College was necessary when communications were poor, literacy was low, and voters lacked information about out-of-state figures, which is clearly no longer the case.” is what Gene Green once stated. Over the few past elections it has seems as if the Electoral College is being used more, and more to win elections. I have now grown to oppose the Electoral College, and think that it is time that we no longer use It. Considering that the Electoral College was created in the first place to prevent the newly founded American from getting manipulated, by electing tyrants, and also that the Electoral College was designed so that each would have equal representation based on population. However in some cases it does not work because no…
How exactly does the Electoral College work and why did the Founding Fathers choose this system for us to select the new president and vice president of the United States? As we know that years prior to this, the Founding Fathers and other colonists in early America fled Great Britain in hopes of a fresh start. Obviously, when setting up the government for this new country, they would not create it the same as it was in Great Britain. The Founding Fathers created a flawed system but has and still continues to be the best option for us here in America, which is why we should not abolish the Electoral College system.…
The Electoral College is a flawed system in which decides America’s presidential fate. According to Google, the Electoral College “consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President.” In many elections in the past, Presidential candidates who did not win a majority of the popular vote, or even a plurality, were elected president because of the electoral college. Take Bush vs. Al Gore for example.…
The electoral college has made up our nation's election system. There are 538 electors in the United States. How it works is, if the nominee wins the majority vote, then they win the electoral vote for that whole state. The electoral number is based on the number of representatives and senates that state has. The electoral college should change because the citizens of America should count each vote, give the larger states more electoral votes, and by making sure there are no illegal actions taking place.…
The Electoral College, founded during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, mediated the voting interests of both the states and the federal government. It was initially designed to promote the voice of small states and the American people, create a well-informed voting body, and establish the Presidency as an independent election free from Congressional bias. Although this strategy was an effective solution to political disputes of the aforementioned era, it has now become outdated in contemporary society. Consequently, the Electoral College should be abolished for the subsequent reasons: It is undemocratic in nature, guilty of inequitable representation of the population, and discourages third party candidates from campaigning for the Presidency.…
The Electoral College should be abolished. One reason why is that the system favors some citizens over others. To prove my point, if you were to take 12 states + DC, you would get a population total of 12,500,722, and an electoral vote total of 44. But, if you take a state, in this case, Illinois, that has a higher population,12,830,632, than the 12 states and DC, you get only 20 electoral votes. How does that make sense?…
Should the Electoral College Be Abolished? For a long time, Americans have questioned the way that the Electoral College system is run and how many hoops a person must jump through to become the President of the United States. The Electoral College system was set in place by the framers of the Constitution because they did not like the idea of a direct vote but wanted the citizens of the United States to have a say in the way the country was run. Not only do the Presidential candidates have to go through the process of winning a party’s nomination, they also have to win the most votes from a group of 538 electors that most people have never seen before.…
From September 23, 2015 to October 3, 2015 I conducted a survey with 22 current students enroll at The University of Texas at San Antonio if they think Electoral College should be abolished or not. In the survey I conducted, 18 college students believe Electoral College should be abolished and 4 believe it should not be abolished. The percentage is 18% believe Electoral College should not be abolish and the remaining 82% believe it should.…
The Electoral College, as stated above, is a system used by the United States government that allows an indirect election of the president. Each state has a specific amount of electors, and each elector votes for whomever…
More than 230 years ago, our founding fathers produced the United States Constitution that would guide all American people in a democratic way towards equality. Written in this important document is the process by which we elect our President. The electoral college is the best way to elect the president in the United States and should not be abolished. This controversy has been argued by many in different articles, newspapers, and books and it is clear that the electoral college is very much needed. First and foremost, the Electoral college is a great way of electing a leader because the people cannot always see that someone is unfit to lead a nation.…
Abolishing the Electoral College: is it wise? Many people have no idea what the Electoral College is. Those that are informed tend to want it gone since it does not allow the people to have a single vote. It is definitely a weird system that the U.S. uses to elect a president.…
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the Electoral College has a body of people who elect the president and vice president of the United States. The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and by the citizens. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 votes is required to become President. Each state has a different number of electoral votes that equals the number of members in its Congress.…
The founding fathers of our nation spent over two months trying to devise a plan that would have a fair and just way of elected our nation’s principal administrator. The Electoral College is constructed of state electors that equal the number of the United States House of Representatives plus the 2 senators from each state. The District of Columbia has three electoral votes even though it is not a state and has no voting representation (“Presidential Election Process”). There are 538 electors total for the Electoral College and 270 electoral votes are needed to win the presidential election (“Presidential Election Process”). These individuals are picked by the political parties of the states that they represent and they vote in December and Congress then tally’s these votes in January.…
The Electoral College was a system outlined in the United States’ constitution by the founding fathers, as the method in which they believe the president should be elected. But with the progression of time the views on the necessity of the Electoral College has become a controversy, as now two factions exist with one faction believing that the Electoral College is an illegitimate method for the election of a president. Though this faction exists and believes the Electoral College is an unfair system that gives a disproportionate voice to different United States’ citizens, but is it truly unfair and unjust. As the Electoral College is a part of the United States constitution where it can be found in Article II, Section I along with a few clarifications…
We as a nation, we should be able to decide the president and vice-president for our country. The Electoral College is a way for the Government to control the way politics are decided. People should decide the president, because people know the truth. The electoral college takes away our right to vote, and it is sound a little bit weird but it is the reality, some of the reason is because most of the time the popular vote it does not count in the reality, the smaller states favored the Electoral college because of the number of electors that they have and also, in the reality our votes do not count.…