What that means is there could be “Rumors illegal roadblocks, unclear ballots, and uncounted votes” that take place as Document 5 says. Having unclear ballots could make one of the candidates lose and help the other win. As seen in the 2000 election against George W.Bush and Al Gore, they suspected unfair ballots and vote counts that the Supreme Court took over the case and voted “5-4 decision was made, ending the recounts and giving the state of Florida's Electoral votes to George W. Bush”(Document 6). The electoral college helped Mr.Bush win the election because it gave him the most electoral votes. Having them only count the electoral votes, the majority vote did not help the picking of the president because they did not count every …show more content…
Letting each American be heard and letting their vote count. Henry Clay had a 13% popular vote, but only had 37 electoral votes. William Crawford had 11.2% of the popular vote, but received 41 electoral votes according to the Electoral map in Document 3 . The 1824 election came to a lost for all of them because no one had the 50% + 1 that you have to have to win in the electoral college. Resulting in this, the house of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams to be president, when Andrew Jackson had 15 more electoral votes. Having seen this, it was not a fair election because not every vote was counted. Anyhow, the electoral college has been our way of election our presidents for this country for over