Sycamore High School Research Paper

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It’s your first year of college. Everyone told you that it would be better than high school but now, you’re sitting in your dorm, overwhelmed and underprepared. Homework was never a concern as it was only an option and you really didn’t need it at the time. Most of your time was spent on whatever you pleased. You were living the dream. Now, all of your professors have assigned huge projects and reality sets in. Your old limited study habits don’t get you the A’s that they used to. You’re shocked by the skills you soon realize you lack and realize that skating by without homework has left you without time-management or the needed mindset to tackle your new workload. The negative hereby accepts all terms as stated by the affirmative. Resolved: Sycamore High School should not ban required homework in all courses. Not only does homework improve standardized test scores, it also helps teachers and parents determine how well students know the lesson material, reinforces what you learned that day, teaches self-discipline and time management skills that are necessary later in life, and homework grades can help someone get a higher overall grade. Duke University’s Director of Education Harris Cooper, created a meta-analysis which found that “The typical U.S. high school student, 14 to 16 years of age, in a …show more content…
Many say that failure is needed for success, but without assignments, a students’ grade is solely based on tests and classwork giving them little room to make mistakes and see where they need to improve before the mistakes have major consequences. With the current policy, Sycamore does not have this issue because teachers are allowed to grade homework for accuracy or completion. Because of this, students who are on the edge of possibly passing or failing a course can get by with the assistance of homework

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