The work load in our curriculum today has caused student’s to feel pressured with work which in turn has caused to look at assignments given to them as another task to accomplish as opposed to another lesson to be learned. “I wanted them to go through an intellectual exercise. And they just wanted the answers,” Abeshouse says later. “By our standards, it’s cheating. By theirs, it’s efficiency.” (524) is a site that is very beneficial for students to further understand materials. Our curriculum needs to be redesigned in a way where students are given enough wok to understand material but still not be
The work load in our curriculum today has caused student’s to feel pressured with work which in turn has caused to look at assignments given to them as another task to accomplish as opposed to another lesson to be learned. “I wanted them to go through an intellectual exercise. And they just wanted the answers,” Abeshouse says later. “By our standards, it’s cheating. By theirs, it’s efficiency.” (524) is a site that is very beneficial for students to further understand materials. Our curriculum needs to be redesigned in a way where students are given enough wok to understand material but still not be