However, some people chose to risk their lives and keep knowledge in their heads. “You can’t ever have my books. The woman’s hand twitched on the single matchstick. The fumes of kerosene bloomed up about her” (Bradbury 38). Mrs. Blake, the book lover, chose to die with her books despite, the threats from Mr. Beatty, the book burner. Although, she was given the opportunity to survive and leave her books behind, she chose not to. But today, children whine over reading a fifteen-page short story for homework. They mewl over how small the fonts are and how agonizing it is to read. This is when Sparknotes come in handy for them. “Oh, I’m just going to go over the book with Sparknotes. They have everything there”, the little procrastinating side of them suggested. People are given the opportunity to read today yet they choose not to. Do you know why they choose not to? Simply, because they do not want to think. Reading makes the readers imagine, think more deeply and wonder about the next step. But now, movies have it all. Imagine all you want, movies will make it happen. People prioritize movies over books simply because movies are already set, they have this solid ending that makes you stop wondering what will happen next. But what people don’t notice is that they are manipulated by another person’s imagination. Lately, people have been reading less and less. The Atlantic mentioned, …show more content…
After reading the novel Fahrenheit 451, some of us can snort around saying “Wow, this book is out of the world. There’s no way we are going to change like that.” However, people today choose to watch How I met Your Mother than to read To Kill the Mockingbird. People choose comfort over everything else. They want to stop thinking, although thinking a lot maybe stressful; if people stop thinking they might probably become airheads. Therefore, to stop ourselves from becoming more like Mildred from Farenheit 451, we have to use technology in a way that it will not be harmful for