Examples Of Utilitarianism In Fahrenheit 451

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Bradbury’s dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, illuminates the dark and cynical truth of life in the United States during the 1950’s. Characterized by the rise in economic prosperity, the booming population and a high standard of living. However, underneath the unprecedented growth, social unrest ran rampant as fear of a third nuclear World War with Russia beckoned. Furthermore, the early 1950’s were highlighted by McCarthyism a widespread social and cultural phenomenon that created a widespread hysteria among the public who developed a robust disdain for communist basis of thought. In general, “McCarthyism” were investigations, and congressional hearings conducted by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the committee of Un-American Activities. One vital …show more content…
Since the rise of media devices such as televisions in the 1950’s a trend has developed to multitudes of devices that provide immediate, visual sources of knowledge. However, Bradbury believes that books are still an important source of knowledge (books) as underlined in Montag’s quote “Maybe books can get us half out of the cave.” (Bradbury, 70). The primary reason that books are important is like movies, music and other types of media they capture the historical and social norms of a time period. For example, the rise of popular culture icons such as Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and their impact on the culture of the 1950’s that still echoes today was simulated by the availability of television and radio in many American homes. Even though, such devices are useful and have become a vital part of every American home, Bradbury warns that like the 1950’s society, we may be becoming too entrapped with such devices and lose sight of our identity. This is primarily due to the fact that such devices “talk things” but don’t necessarily connect the meaning that can attributed to books. This is highlighted in Faber’s quote “I don’t talk thing, I talk the meaning of things. I sit here and know I’m alive.”(Bradbury, 71) In modern-day aspects extreme sports such as base jumping provide the near-death thrill that many seek to realize that they are alive. This is similar to the conclusion of Fahrenheit 451 that for total destruction of false ideas and basis must occur in order for great change to happen. For Montag, he was able to reach true freedom when the world that has constrained his identity vanished. Similar to the rebirth that occurs after a flood or a fire that brings people together no matter their social believes, status, and cultural. The fundamental idea that falls

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