Supreme Court Srinivasan Pros And Cons

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With the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, it is the Constitutional duty of President Obama to choose his successor. While the Republican party is insisting that a Justice is not chosen until after the next Presidential election, President Obama is determined to fill the position in the next few weeks despite the threats of his nomination being declined. At this time I believe that the best possible candidate to fill the position would be Srikanth Srinivasan. To begin, we should first take a look at what President Obama has stated he is searching for in the next Supreme Court Justice. As mentioned on the SCOTUS blog, the first thing that is important in a nominee is that they must possess a mastery of the law (A Responsibility I Take Seriously). Srikanth Srinivasan is a Stanford graduate who has had multiple encounters with the Supreme Court throughout his career thus far. From being a representative of a client in cases before the Supreme Court, to having previous work under retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. A more important statement in the …show more content…
Srinivasan was of those who “urged the high courts to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, a law that restricted the definition of marriage to heterosexual couples for the purposes of federal benefits” (Reuters). This was huge because is helped on the path to legalize gay marriage for the united states. Not only has he had a direct impact on social change and social justice through the courts, but he would also give the Supreme Court the diversity it needs by being the only Indian-American man to be appointed to the Supreme Court thus far, giving it a new and fresh sense of immigration because he himself was moved to America from

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