I agree with Michael that the “Poor Kids” documentary was tough to watch. Seeing the different types of impoverished living situations that people in the documentary were in was both humbling and frustrating. It was humbling in the sense that it gave me a far greater appreciation for the basic amenities and gifts that I was afforded during my childhood. I never even came remotely close to having my family struggle to survive, and for that I’m forever grateful. The documentary is especially frustrating because its subjects are right here in the United States.…
Summary In this article, Erin articulates the cause and effects of sex trafficking. She makes sure to clarify that sex trafficking is not a distant problem, but is distinctly present in your own community. Erin covers 3 prominent reasons for the worldwide sex trafficking issue. She introduces trafficking as a multimillion-dollar Industry, a glamorous façade, and even talks about local experiences with prostitution rings.…
In the article “Because She Looks like a Child” by Kevin Bales, the author is deliberating the subject of child prostitution and sex trafficking that happens in Thailand. The author discusses the influence child prostitution and sex trafficking has on children who are forced into this. Siri, a fifteen-year-old child prostitute, is the emphasis of the article. She was sold by her parents as a means of economic steadiness. Siri is conscious of what prostitution and sex trafficking can possibly do to her while deliberating her current encounters including how many men she has had sex with at the brothel, and her worry about getting AIDS, and pregnant.…
Being involved in the industry of human traffic is dramatically changing and impacting America today. History will always be repeated. It has affected many families, losing their daughter by being captured or being persuaded to the business. Every victim has to go through the six phases of transatlantic slave trade. It is transferring and harboring from person to person.…
Research The human trafficking of juveniles is a nationwide issue and effects children of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds. Although the number of juveniles exploited for sex continues to rise in the United States, the research is fairly new, so there is a lack of evidence for interventions (Sapiro, 2016, p. 100). Gathering precise data is difficult for multiple reasons, but what is known about the thousands of youths that are trafficked each year in the Unites States is that the average age of a victim is fourteen years old (Boxill, 2007, p. 140). Human trafficking has a revenue that varies between fourteen to twenty billion dollars a year and many victims are hesitant to come forward and seek help because they believe their life…
Children are being manipulated and abused in appalling ways. Yet, no one helps them because they are judged and seen as dirty prostitutes. These girls, these human beings are victims and should be treated as such. Today’s children shape the future and getting stuck in “the life” with no hope of help or rescue keeps them from living up to their full potential. A girl is not going to believe she can amount to anything if she is controlled by a pimp, looked down on and shamed by society, and shut down by a system that is supposed to protect her.…
This large discrepancy unfortunately often occurs to our youth. More often. children who are victims of sex trafficking are misidentified as prostitutes and as a result, are unjustly arrested, charged, and re-victimized rather than rescued. Although some states have begun to make great strides in correctly identifying a trafficked youth as a victim who needs protection and specialized services through new legistation such as the Safe Harbor Law, there are still numerous states such as Pennsylvania where the Safe Harbor Bill has not been passed and children continue to be prosecuted rather that protected. Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking in which an individual is forced to provide sexual services against their will through the use of intimidation, coercion, manipulation, and violence or in which the person induced to perform such acts has not attained 18 years of age (U.S. Department of State, 2012).…
In this film showing young girls’ family on process of getting their daughters to be married off or sell them off to begin prostitution career makes me feel desperate to be there to stop families from selling these girls. Knowing how normal it is for some countries to have young girls starting from age nine years old to start prostitution is sickening and terrifying. I just could not relate myself to them, and understand how they would feel because I have never experienced nor seen it in real life of these situations and I bet it would be much painful than how I imagine their lives would be. During the film, I was just surprised how some mothers are encouraging their daughters to begin prostitution, and even when school teacher was telling her that she can have better future earning more money without selling their bodies. Realizing how some countries have their traditional mindset yet to be broken still when it is 2016 worries me for women’s future…
The DOJ issued a warning stating that: “Among children and teens living on the streets in the United States, involvement in commercial sex activity is a problem of epidemic proportion” and claiming that “Child sexual exploitation is the most hidden form of child abuse in the U.S. today.” Yet, it is an epidemic that has gone largely overlooked and untreated. The truth is, there is no way to be sure how many are forced into prostitution every year here in America. The estimated figure is that 15,000 women are trafficked into the U.S. each year, but that the number of American girls trafficked on American streets is 10 to 20 times greater. The most common estimate mentioned by the DOJ and child protection agencies puts the number at around 300,000-but believe it to be closer to 800,000.…
The Justice Department services to actually help these victims have been unnoticed or in many cases have been neglected. This essay is to discuss existing researches and literature on sex trafficking in the United States and the growth of trafficking. It includes movies of which has been based on true events but also inspires the youth of making it out of the trade of the sex trafficking trade. It also includes an interview by Trooper Steven Kramer how he explains the statistics of the trade. Newspaper articles of how this event affect America as whole not just one area of America.…
Human Trafficking and Prostitution in The United States Human trafficking and prostitution is a social problem that many people in the United States are uncomfortable talking about because of the nature of the issue. However, it is extremely important that Americans begin to discuss the concerns that the rise in human trafficking and prostitution has created. While the social problem affects mostly women, many people are unaware of the men that fall victims. Americans, as well as other people around the world, need to discuss the problems that human trafficking and prostitution can create for children and adults. Statistics have shown that many people are affected by human trafficking and that even more people work as prostitutes.…
The power of the thirteenth amendment is two-fold because it first forbids the entire illegal slavery and involuntary activities and secondly it allows the passage of laws like Trafficking Victim Protection Act to prohibit any activity, which the effect of slavery may be. But, these rights were consistently denied when each victim qualified for protection under TVPA act. In the same manner, according to Polaris Project study, the average age at which girls enter into prostitution is 12-14 years in America ( (Polaris Freedom happens Now). Both these issues question America’s rank in the TIP annual report and its measures to tackle the modern…
Slavery is a fact of life, from the first humans to walk around they have had a title; master or slave. People like to think that slavery has gone It has just gone underground and emerged with a new name. Human trafficking is a serious epidemic. It is a global issue affecting millions of lives around the world, stealing peoples dignity (Transnational). Human Traffickers don’t resemble the slave traders of old.…
The children being victimized by sex trafficking are often very young. On average, girls are first exploited for commercial sex between the ages of twelve and fourteen. For boys the average age is even younger, between eleven and…
Sex Trafficking: The Global Market in Woman and Children. New York: Worth, 2005. Print.…