Kaepernick later backed up his actions by saying it was a form of protest towards the treatment of African Americans and other American minorities: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country [the United States] that oppresses black people and people of color” (With Protest NFL Player is Exercising His Rights). Kaepernick still believes that racism is a growing problem in the United States and that we need to recognize it to move past the problem: “There’s a lot of racism disguised as patriotism in this country and people don’t like to address that and they don’t like to address what the root of the protest is” (Kaepernick critics go silent). Many other athletes have made the decision to join Kaepernick in protest of the anthem as well by holding a fist in the air or taking a knee as well. Another player to speak out about the protest is Malcolm Jenkins of the Philadelphia Eagles. Jenkins decided to join by taking a knee on Monday Night Football in Chicago. When asked about the issue Jenkins said “This issue is about the treatment of African Americans and minorities in this country, when you talk about social injustice” (Nancy). Many veterans have spoke out and called these athletes unamerican. However, Kaepernick has backed him and his supporters up by saying “I …show more content…
Although the protest had a rocky start with many mixed views on the form of protest being used, it is showing to have positive effects. Many other famous celebrities and athletes have decided to join Kaepernick in the protest and have spread more views on the growing issue. One former athlete, Jerry Rice, who originally criticized the protest, has come to join Kaepernick on the issue: “Jerry Rice, he of All Lives Matter Tweet after Kaepernick’s protest initially came to light, seems to have come around. On Tuesday, he tweeted that he supports Kaepernick ‘for bringing awareness for justice!! As Americans we all have rights!” (Nancy). Many others have joined Kaepernick as well. As the protest continues to go on week after week, it has gained more and more supporters: “But the conversation has grown decidedly one-sided. So many of those who were so quick to criticize Kaepernick and the other athletes are now noticeably silent. And that says it all” (Sanchez). The longer the protest will continue to go on for the more followers it will gain and less and less people will oppose them. The protest has shown to be a great way to put an end to police brutality issues in